"Enfants de Lumière" (Children of Light) stands as a beacon of hope in the realm of Lebanese charitable associations, emerging from the visionary minds of a dynamic group of young individuals in 2002. Our mission extends beyond mere altruism; it is a commitment to transforming the lives of those grappling with adversity, particularly the aftermath of the 30-year Lebanese civil war.
In the face of staggering poverty, our organization became a force driven by compassion and an unwavering desire to uplift struggling families. We recognized the imperative of not just alleviating the immediate challenges of poverty but restoring to individuals their lost dignity and providing them with the means to lead healthy, educated, and self-sustained lives.
Motivated by a profound sense of duty, we embarked on a journey to stand alongside the less fortunate, offering them not just material support but also the invaluable gifts of hope and peace. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that extending a helping hand to the desperate, abandoned, and needy is an act that transcends charity—it is an investment in the restoration of human dignity.
Operating as an entirely volunteer-driven initiative, we have forged teams united by a singular mantra: "Together we're strong!" Disregarding any form of discrimination, be it based on religion, gender, or color, we stride forward hand in hand, fueled by faith in both a higher power and the inherent strength within ourselves.
In this collaborative journey, each member of our dedicated teams contributes to the realization of our collective vision. Faith in God, enthusiasm, and an unyielding commitment to eradicating discrimination are the cornerstones upon which we have built our foundation. As we celebrate one year of tireless efforts, we remain resolute in our conviction that unity is the key to overcoming the challenges that confront us, proving that, indeed, together we are a formidable force for positive change.

Ghada Abela (President), Josephine Mouawad, Samia Bakhos, Jihad Nasr, Ziad Nasr, Sherine Fayad, Shady Fayad, Wadih Elias.
Jacqueline Semaan, (Head of the Committee), Ghada Abela, Josephine Mouawad, Samia Bakhos, Nathalie Rahal, Nada Karam, Sherine Fayad, Shirine Nassar, Roula Samaha, Marlene Roux, Ranya El Hajj, Dany Khayat, Samar Chammas, Marie-Joe Chedid, Carole Boulos, Tina Kahale, Lena Homsi, Dolly Cassir
Samia Bakhos, Josephine Mouawad, Jihad Nasr, Sherine Fayad, Wadih Elias
Josephine Mouawad, Mirella Assaf, Ziad Nasr.